Wednesday, August 2, 2017

In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, what are the themes for each chapter? Provide text evidence.

Wow!  That is a huge undertaking because there are 31 chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird!  I can’t do this assignment for you, but I can give you a few suggestions. First of all, read the chapter summaries has available to refresh your memory.  As you read the summaries, see if you can find a theme present in each chapter summary.  Next, check your book and see if you can scan the chapter...

Wow!  That is a huge undertaking because there are 31 chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird!  I can’t do this assignment for you, but I can give you a few suggestions. First of all, read the chapter summaries has available to refresh your memory.  As you read the summaries, see if you can find a theme present in each chapter summary.  Next, check your book and see if you can scan the chapter for a quote that goes with that theme.  You can also review the list of themes provided by as well. 

You will find that many themes will repeat themselves throughout the novel, and here are a few you can expect to see:

  • Innocence

  • Racism, prejudice

  • Effects of poverty

  • Respect and acceptance

  • Fitting in

  • Superstition

  • Bravery and cowardice

  • Overcoming obstacles and hardships

  • Growing up/rite of passage/coming of age

  • Ignorance

Good luck!

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