Tuesday, January 31, 2017

In Chapter 7 of the novel The Outsiders, what does Ponyboy mean when he says that Randy looks old?

In Chapter 7, Ponyboy and Two-Bit go to the Tasty Freeze to buy some Cokes. Randy Adderson pulls up in a blue Mustang and asks to speak with Ponyboy. Randy tells Ponyboy that he won't be attending the rumble, and then proceeds to describe how Bob's home life lead to Bob's reckless behavior. Randy says that the reason he is choosing not to fight is because he doesn't think it will it make any difference...

In Chapter 7, Ponyboy and Two-Bit go to the Tasty Freeze to buy some Cokes. Randy Adderson pulls up in a blue Mustang and asks to speak with Ponyboy. Randy tells Ponyboy that he won't be attending the rumble, and then proceeds to describe how Bob's home life lead to Bob's reckless behavior. Randy says that the reason he is choosing not to fight is because he doesn't think it will it make any difference to change the current situation between the Greasers and Socs. Randy tells Ponyboy that he is contemplating running away. Ponyboy remembers what Cherry said about things being rough all over, and tells Randy that he would help him if he could. Randy says, "No, you wouldn't. I'm a Soc. You get a little money and the whole world hates you" (Hinton 117). Ponyboy says, "No...you hate the whole world" (Hinton 117). Ponyboy mentions that Randy stares at him, and Pony says that Randy looked like he could have been ten years older than he was.

Ponyboy says that Randy looks older because he realizes that Randy is under a lot of stress and is going through a difficult time. Typically, adults deal with serious situations and suffer from stress. Although Randy is still a young man, he is dealing with adult hardships, which is why Ponyboy says he looks much older than he really is.

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