Friday, September 23, 2016

How did the pig's lives compare to those of the other animals as illustrated in the novel, Animal Farm?

The pigs lived lives of luxury and privilege while the other animals had to make do with the bare essentials. They were, most times, hungry and cold, even worse off than they had been during Jones' time. 

Since the pigs were the cleverest animals on the farm, they assumed leadership immediately after the Rebellion. They could read and write and thus set about planning for the future and teaching the other animals. This status, however, led to them soon claiming privileges for themselves and denying the other animals the same, as it was with the milk and the windfall apples, which were set aside for their exclusive use. Although the other animals moaned about this, Squealer quickly explained that the pigs sacrificed in eating such unpleasant food since it was to strengthen their thinking, i.e. 'brain food.' It was important for them to eat such food otherwise 'Jones would come back.' The animals quickly accepted this explanation. 

Thus began a campaign of systematic manipulation and propaganda epitomised by constant lies and deceit. Whenever the pigs, for example, changed a commandment to suit them, Squealer would go about providing some or other explanation, making the animals feel guilty about questioning the pigs' motives. The overriding threat, however, was that 'Jones would come back' if the pigs did not get what they needed, as Squealer put it. Obviously, that was the last things they wanted.   

Since the general animal populace was not intelligent enough and lacked memory, they were easily misled and accepted their fate. When the pigs moved into the farmhouse, an explanation was given, as above. When they started sleeping in beds, the same happened. This became a repeated exercise and the animals were quite acquiescent and accepted what the pigs did. Whilst the pigs were living in luxury, they had to sleep in the barn and had to make do with whatever rations were given to them.

The animals felt that their sacrifices were worthwhile since they were running the farm and were not being ruled by exploitative, uncaring humans. Ironically, the pigs were exploiting them in exactly the same way that their erstwhile master did but they believed that they were better off. 

Once Napoleon had expelled Snowball from the farm, things became much worse. He could go about unchallenged and quickly changed not only the commandments but abolished certain customs which had been adhered to, such as the Sunday Meetings. Whenever there was hardship such as during the cold winter when supplies were low, the rations were cut, but not for the pigs, who continued receiving what they had become used to.  

After Napoleon had purged the farm of those he believed were enemies by using his dogs to execute them, he had introduced another element with which he could control and manipulate the animals - fear. They had been thoroughly frightened by the killings and did not dare challenge Napoleon's authority. He made sure that they were aware of his power by walking around the farm, surrounded by his fierce guard dogs. Napoleon had become a ruthless tyrant.    

Eventually, the animals had nothing of what had been agreed to after the Rebellion. The only animals who had gained anything were the pigs. They had grown fatter and had assumed human behaviours and characteristics. They walked on their hind legs, smoked, drank whisky and beer, lived in the house, wore clothes, slept in beds and were soon arranging get-togethers with other humans where they mocked the plight of the other animals.

Indeed, Animal Farm had truly become a place where 'Some animals were more equal than others.'   

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